Events and Diversifying Sponsorship Portfolios



Current events are affecting the delivery of meetings and events all over the country. At this time, coronavirus is a big topic out there in the meetings and the association profession. Meetings are being canceled and events are being postponed.
Here’s a takeaway that I wanted to provide you today. We have been talking with our clients, for a number of years and now, about the importance of non-event inventory in terms of sponsorships. Year-long and diversified partnerships that have inventory across the entire organization. Whether it’s the delivery of white papers, webinars, event programming, newsletter advertising, advertorials, and more. Whether you canceled the meeting, or not, is in many cases a business decision that the association needs to make. However, one of the things we can learn from it is the option to develop a more diversified sponsorship platform. If you rely on meeting sponsorships for all of your sponsorship revenue, you leave your association exposed to outside factors we’re currently facing.
As you think about your sponsorship program for 2021 and beyond, think about adding new things that are non-event oriented so you can have a more well-rounded sponsorship program. So, when things do happen to the event, you don’t have all of your eggs in one basket.
Hope this is helpful for you, best wishes!


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