The Top Sales Breakthrough Strategy



A Moery Company LogoHow can you best step up your sales success?  When you decide by design that you will be more focused on client problems than your pipeline.  It starts with a question – “What kind of ongoing conversation am I going to have to help my prospects get the things they need?” The main strategy here is to determine the problem your prospect wants fixed. Once you can authentically cross that threshold of understanding about sales; you are then poised to have growth like you’ve never had before.
There are some good training classes on how to get “better” at sales – but, I view sales more in terms of “helping” the client rather than “selling” the client. And, I believe this is the most effective selling you can do.
We’ve had a number of successful sales meetings already this year and are experiencing an unprecedented growth curve in this company. When I look at the last several sales we’ve closed, there is a common denominator. And, it wasn’t the pitch. Early on in each conversation, I was able to get them talking about their biggest challenges.
Begin a meeting with, “Tell me what’s going great for your organization right now.” It’s a fantastic way to get the conversation going.  Then follow with, “Okay, so tell me what’s going wrong?” Armed with their response – I can ascertain how best to present my solutions.
Another good question to consider: “Can I help you solve that problem?”
I had a conversation recently with a prospect about their most challenging issues, and you know what? I didn’t put my foot on the gas. I wasn’t sure I could help them. I actually didn’t sell anything. But, I learned a hell of a lot about them and we had a really good conversation; so, maybe I can be helpful down the road.
And, here’s the last thing. If a prospect won’t tell you what’s wrong; then they’re not a fit. Go home. Hey, if you’ve got a baseball player who is hitting 200 and he doesn’t think he has a problem – then you aren’t going to be able to help him and he’s going to be out of the league in a short time anyway.


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